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Jul 20, 2023

With the lights out on 2022 at the Racecourse Ground, one of the big changes for 2023 will be the installation of new floodlights, as part of the Club’s stadium development plans.

The current floodlight towers have an iconic status among the fan base but unfortunately are no longer fit for purpose and able to support the new lamps required to illuminate the Racecourse Ground to 1500 lux, which is required by broadcasters for International Games.

The Club have appointed Musco as the contractor for the delivery of the floodlights.

The new floodlight towers are 8m higher than the existing ones at 40m and have a forward cantilever of 20 degrees from 20m.

The towers are being manufactured by Metalogavla from Portugal on behalf of Musco and are due in Wrexham during the third week of March. Before then, the new foundations for the towers at the University End will be formed from the second week of February.

The base of the new towers will be adjacent to the existing ones, which makes the installation process more challenging than undertaking the work while the stadium isn’t in use.

The demolition of the Kop needs to progress to allow the new foundations for the towers to be formed and installed by the middle of May.

The existing floodlights will not be removed until the replacement tower is complete and tested. Dependent on progress, there is a possibility that the final games of the season could well see a combination of new and old in use.

The lamps will be LEDs reducing the amount of electricity used on matchdays and with the added benefit of being fully programable to deliver variable lighting levels, as and when required.

With the lights out on 2022 at the Racecourse Ground, one of the big changes for 2023 will be the installation of new floodlights, as part of the Club’s stadium development plans.